Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe .   For sale and cheap, cheaper the cheapest in brocante - vintage furniture, industrial furniture and rough from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The points of sale of the furniture are in Beringe, the Netherlands, near the A67.    Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 ​ in Beringe NL.  Take a look at Teakpaleis with its huge stock of teak furniture and brocante, vintage, industrial furniture such as a coffee table, shop cabinet, cupboard, table, sideboard, TV cabinet, sideboard, glass cabinet.    

The cheapest in vintage, retro, shabby-chic furniture and teak furniture from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Vintage bookcases and corner cabinets.Vintage furniture is emerging and the more unusual the better. Vintage furniture makes living attractively and they combine very well with teak wood. Indian furniture at Teakpaleis, a big assortment TV furniture,cabinets, girls cabinets, tables, dressers, sideboards, glass cabinets, kitchen cabinets, coffee tables, decorations and small furniture.
