Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe . For sale and cheap, cheaper the cheapest in brocante - vintage furniture, industrial furniture and rough from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The points of sale of the furniture are in Beringe, the Netherlands, near the A67. Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe NL. Take a look at Teakpaleis with its huge stock of teak furniture and brocante, vintage, industrial furniture such as a coffee table, shop cabinet, cupboard, table, sideboard, TV cabinet, sideboard, glass cabinet.
IndianVintage furniture
Are you into wood furniture with colour combinations, then this is the right address. The vintage Indian furniture is made of painted recycled teak wood.All vintage Indian furniture in this category can be ordered more than once. Yet they all have a unique radiance.Due to the old recycled teak wood, the vintage Indian furniture has a warm and attractively radiance. Please, do come and visit out large outlet shop in order to see the vintage Indian furniture.